
On Friday, July 12, 2024, His Beatitude Theodoros II, Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria and all Africa, received at the Patriarchal See the His Eminence Ignatios,Metropolitan of Demetrias and Almyros, head of a group of pilgrims from the broader area of ​​Volos.

Addressing His EMinence, His Beatitude spoke of the history of the Alexandrian Church, about the multilateral missionary work on the African continent, as well as about the obstacles arising from it. He also referred to the many years of spiritual ties that connect Him with His Eminence, whose multifaceted hierarchical ministry he praised.

Ending his address the Venerable Primate of the Patriarchal Throne of St Mark, having expressed to His Eminence of Demetrias grateful thanks for his practical support to the missionary, social and humanitarian work of the ancient Patriarchate, he offered him a hazranium, as well as the Patriarchal vestments of His late ever-remembered Predecessor Ierotheos I (1825-1845) in order for these to be handed over to the Holy Church of St Nicholas Almyros, following a previous relevant request of the Ecclesiastical Council of the aforementioned Parish Church, which was inaugurated in the year 1802 by the then Bishop of Zitouni and Almyros, Ierotheos, later Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria.

During his reply, His Eminence Ignatios expressed the emotion he feels being at the See of the Second Throne Supreme Patriarchate, with its precious Apostolic legacy and two-thousand-year eventful history and emphasized the importance of its sacrificial offering in suffering Africa and the testimony of its precious Apostolic witness and experience in the Church under heaven. In conclusion, he assured His Beatitude of the continuous support of his Holy Metropolis towards the Alexandrian Church.

A reception followed and a tour of the grounds of the Patriarchal Mansion.  Also present during the visit of His Eminence Ignatius of Demetrias and Almyrou to the Patriarchate of Alexandria, His Eminence Panteleimon Metropolitan of Ptolemais and  Chief Secretary of the Holy and Sacred Synod, who had previously welcomed the group of pilgrims to the beautiful Cathedral of the Annunciation of the Theotokos in Alexandria.