On 22nd March 2010 His Beatitude Theodoros II, held a synaxis with the clergy of the Holy Metropolis of Johannesburg and Pretoria at the Chapel on the grounds of the Metropolis, giving paternal advice, suggestions and counsel to the clergy.

      Immediately thereafter, together with His Eminence Seraphim of Johannesburg, he went to the Holy Church of St Basil of the Hellenic Community of Springs, where he conducted the funeral of the late Elizabeth Yiannoulias, honourary Chairman of the Community.

      At noon His Beatitude attended a lunch hosted by Hellenes of the Community, with whom he discussed issues of the community, together with His Eminence George, Metropolitan of Zimbabwe, His Beatitude’s Representative in Athens and His Excellency Mr Argyros Antoniou, Ambassador of Cyprus in South Africa, and later on went to visit patients in the hospitals, among whom were Mr. Solly Selipas, Chairman of the Pantanassa Church.

      On the evening of the same day he was interviewed on the New Pan-Hellenic Voice radio, greeting the community and speaking of the ancient Patriarchate  and the general spiritual, missionary and humanistic work undertaken, about Hellenism and the spiritual period of Holy and Great Lent and Holy Week. He then had a meeting with the Executive Council of the radio station, to whom he gave a symbolic amount of money towards their efforts for the community.