
On Sunday, 12th July 2024, a Patriarchal Divine Liturgy was held in the centuries-old Holy Monastery of St George in Old Cairo, as well as memorial prayers for the repose of those who fought heroically and fell, as well as for the Cypriot brothers who disappeared, during the unjust invasion of the forces of “Attila” and the occupation of a large part of northern Cyprus 50 years ago (1974-2024).

During the Patriarchal Divine Liturgy, His Beatitude Theodoros II, Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria and All Africa presided, co-officiating with the Hierarchs of the Throne, His Eminence Panteleimon Metropolitan of Ptolemais & Chief Secretary of the Holy Synod and His Grace Stefanos Bishop of Hippo.

The Eucharistic Gathering was attended by Her Excellency Ms. Poly Ioannou, Ambassador of the Republic of Cyprus to the Arab Republic of Egypt, Mr. Chargé d’Affaires of the Embassy of Greece in Egypt, the Military Attachés, the Education Coordinator of North Africa and the Middle East, representatives of the Greek and Cypriot Community authorities, associations, fraternities, clubs, et al.

His Eminence the Metropolitan of Ptolemais delivered a speech, in which he expressed the grief of the Greek Cypriots and the power of the faith with which they await the liberation of their homeland from the martyred yoke of the conquerors.

The Address of His Beatitude Theodoros II, Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria, followed, who after paternally praising the speaker, His eminence Panteleimon, emphasized emphatically, that the speech given totally expresses the feelings,perspective and attitude of himself and the Supreme Patriarchate of Alexandria towards the fifty-year martyrdom, but glorious struggle of the Cypriot brothers, who fearlessly fight with deep faith towards the Righteous Lord and the holy and sacred things of the Nation, against the tragic invasion and the illegal possession of 37% of the Cypriot territory by the occupying forces.

To the Ambassador of Cyprus who was in prayerful attendance, he expressed his heartfelt wishes for a speedy resolution of the painful Cyprus problem, so that the blessed and heroic Great Island can return to the old days of peaceful and creative coexistence of all its inhabitants, without its dividing lines and destructive divisions, assuring her that the Church of Alexandria will always stand by Cypriot Hellenism with affection and a firm attitude of support, as it beneficially did in the past, in difficult moments of the historical path of Cyprus. In conclusion he paternally asked Her Excellency Mrs. Ioannou, to institutionally convey the above sentiments and the Patriarchal prayers to the Republic of Cyprus, at the same time expressing the gratitude of the Ancient Patriarchate to His Excellency the President of the Great Island and to the His Beatitude the  Primate of the Church of Cyprus, for the essential and lasting mutual understanding and assistance towards the missionary and humanitarian work in general that is carried out sacrificially on the African continent.

Immediately, after the memorial prayers for the repose of the brave and heroically fallen Cypriot brothers, the floor was taken by Her Excellency the Ambassador of the Republic of Cyprus, who spoke about the right of self-determination of the Cypriot people, the 50 years of suffering and the expectation of the freedom of the land.

Subsequently, in an emotional atmosphere, a reception was held in the beautiful Reception Hall of the Holy Patriarchal Monastery of Saint George by the Very Reverend Abbot Archimandrite Damaskinos, who also supervised the screening of a relevant televised historical tribute to the events of the sad 50th anniversary of the invasion of Cyprus and its illegal occupation of its northern part.

To the Very Reverend Fr Damaskinos and the Ambassador of Cyprus, His Beatitude extended congratulatory wishes for the co-organization of the above anniversary event, which “contributes to the preservation of historical memory and the transmission of the heroic national spirit of the fallen to our children, for whom I am sure, as “evergreen olive branches” they will continue to send to the ends of the world the sky-high message: “I DON’T FORGET” until the final justification”. He concluded with the paternal exhortation to the Cypriot brothers and sisters everywhere: “Courage my brothers and sisters, courage my children! God does not love injustice, He cannot accept it, as He is just by nature. Don’t forget this! The sunrise of the “Sun of Righteousness” will not be long in coming, soon it will once again adorn the peaks of Pentadactylus and Troodos with the radiance of freedom, with the radiance of truth and the radiance of the redemptive Resurrection, which, however, will always have as immovable condition a blood-stained and martyred Golgotha… Happy Resurrection, our brothers and sisters”!