On the Sunday of the Veneration of the Cross, 3rd April 2016, His Beatitude Theodoros II, Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria and All Africa, officiated at Orthros and conducted the Patriarchal Divine Liturgy at the Patriarchal Cathedral of St Nicholas in Cairo, concelebrating with Their Eminences Nicholas Metropolitan of Ermopolis, Arabic speaking Patriarchal Vicar, Nikodemos of Memphis Patriarchal Vicar of Cairo and Niphon of Pilousion Abbot of the centuries-old Monastery of St George in Old Cairo, where prior to the dismissal he performed the service of the Veneration of the Precious Cross according to the Church Typikon.

Present at the Eucharistic gathering were the Ambassador of Greece Mr. Christodoulos Lazaris, the Ambassador of Cyprus Mr. Haris Moritsis, the Consul General of Greece in Cairo Mrs. Lambrini Komini, representatives of community societies and associations, faithful Christians from the Greek, Arabic and Russian Communities as well as other dignitaries.

The Alexandrian Primate spoke simply but from the heart about the Precious Cross and prayed that it would protect Egypt, Greece and Cyprus and made a special prayer that the displaced peoples would have courage, referring to the drama of the refugees which have arrived in Greece and other European countries, seeking a brighter day for themselves and their families.

Patriarch Theodoros alo expressed his deep gratitude through the Cypriot Ambassador to the Cypriot President Mr Nico Anastasiades and the government of Nicosia for the manner in which they dealt with the recent air hijacking, thanking him for all that Cyprus did for all the passengers, most particularly for the two Hierarchs who were travelling, Metropolitan Damaskinos of Johannesburg and the newly-ordained Bishop Nikodemos of Nitria.

Immediately thereafter Patriarch Theodoros II of Alexandria inaugurated the new Throne Room of the Patriarchal Vicariate of Cairo and dedicated it to the blessed memory of St Nektarios of Pentapolis, who lived in the Vicariate, and after the ceremony a reception was held for all present.