“The Orthodox Church embraces all people,” Patriarch Theodore II of Alexandria said from Rwanda, where, in a festive atmosphere, he inaugurated the newly erected church of the First Apostles Peter and Paul, in the Rwamagana region, on Sunday, October 30, 2022 .

The primate of the Alexandrian Church, who is making a pastoral visit to Rwanda for the first time, officiated during the Orthros, presided over the Inauguration ceremony and the Patriarchal Divine Liturgy, together with Their Eminences the Metropolitans Innocent of Burundi and Rwanda, Ieronymos of Kampala, Hariton of Kananga and Their Graces the Provincial Bishops Neophytos of Nyeri, Sylvester of Jinja and Nektarios of Gulu in the church which was filled with believers, particularly young people.

Patriarch Theodoros II spoke to the congregation about the service of the inauguration and the importance of what is being celebrated during it.

Present at the inauguration were Her Excellency the Ambassador of Egypt, the Representative of the Ministry of Religions, the Representative of the Apostolic Nuncio, the Mayoress of the city as well as Representatives of the Police and the District.

After the end of the Divine Liturgy, His Beatitude laid the foundation stone for the construction of the new Metropolitan Palace, School and Clinic in the area where the new Holy Church is located. “The Orthodox Church embraces all people, regardless of nationality and everything is proof that the Church of Alexandria cares for and treats the suffering and neglected people of the African continent, especially children who are the most beautiful creatures of God”, he said with much emotion .

Afterwards, he attended the festive program, which had been prepared by the dance and music group of the religious community, and he attended a lunch, hosted in his honor by Metropolitan Innocent.

The Patriarch did not fail to thank the living donors, while he also commemorated the donors and benefactors of this project who have passed away.

Today, Monday, October 31, 2022, completing an arduous but also spiritual tour, full of joy and exhilaration, His Beatitude Theodoros II, Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria and All Africa, departed for the Patriarchal See, escorted to the Rwandan state airport by the His Eminence Metropolitan Innocent, Her Excellency the Ambassador of Egypt and the Holy Clergy.

Glory be to God.