In an idyllic setting which reminds one of Greece, with the Indian ocean on the horizon and on a green hill in Durban South Africa, is the newly erected Church of St Nicholas , the second church for the nearly 4000 Greeks in the area.

     Many Greeks coming from the Greek Islands as well as from Cyprus, participated on 25th May 2008, in the inauguration of the new church by His Beatitude Theodoros II, Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria and All Africa, together with His Eminence Sergios and His Grace Theodoros.

     In his address to the large congregation, His Beatitude [raised the work of the benefactors who gave of their hearts and love to see to the building of this church in Durban , which is one on the most important harbours in Africa.

     He also praised those who had given towards the building of the church.

     His Eminence Sergios emphasized the significance which holy places always have for Greeks, whether for the ancient Greeks or for those in current times, for the respect that they had and have for them. He mentioned the Parthenon and the Great Church of Hagia Sofia.

     The Chairman of the Hellenic Community Mr. Liasidis thanked the ancient Patriarchate and its Venerable Primate for his multifaceted support of the Hellenic community.

     Present at the functions which ended with Greek dancing, were the Former Miniser of the Interior and leader of the Zulus Mr Butelezi, who together with His Beatitude planted an olive tree as a symbolic gesture of their joint efforts for peace in the world as Mr Butelezi is playing a major  role in the efforts for cessation of violence in South Africa which has taken many lives in the past weeks.

     Also present were His Excellency Mr Argyros Antoniou, High Commissioner of Cyprus in South Africa , Mr Christos Zacharopoulos Consul General of Greece , and the Chairman of the Hellenic Community of Durban Mr Haralambos Liasidis.

     On the same evening, the Consul General hosted an official dinner at the Consular Residence in honour of His Beatitude.