At the end of the Patriarchal Divine Liturgy a Festal gathering took place in the Throne Room, where His Beatitude Theodoros II, Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria  and All Africa expressed grateful thanks to the Select Members of the Brotherhood of the “Apostolos Markos” Office Bearers of the Throne.

     On their behalf the Office Bearers of the Throne, through the Chairman of their Brotherhood Mr. Theodoros Panagopoulos, Professor of the University of Pireaus, declared their unfailing support of the multifaceted efforts of the Second Throne Church, and gave honour to Messrs Achilleas Tourkantonis, an Academic, Great Archon Lord Aktouarios and Theodoros Dardavesis, Professor of the Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki, Chairman of the Philoptochos Brotherhood of Men in Thessaloniki, Archon Lord Ypomimniskon, for their essential contribution to the general activities of the Brotherhood of Office Bearers and the ancient Patriarchate. The above named two Archons, as well as the Philoptochos Brotherhood of Men of Thessaloniki, His Beatitude nominated as Great Benefactors of the Patriarchate.

     Also, Mr. Dardavesis gave His Beatitude a small coopy of the characteristic statue of Alexander the Great, which stands on the Shore of Thessaloniki, a work by the distinguished artist Mr. Moustakas.

     Also, honouring the contribution and assistance of the Chairman of OPAP, Mr. Ioannis Spanoudakis, because of the kind donation from OPAP to the Patriarchate for the digitalization of its Archives, gave him the Cross of St Mark.

     In conclusion His Beatitude addressed His Grace Nicholas, Bishop of Amathountos, to whom he expressed the gratitude of the Alexandrian Throne to His Beatitude Chrysostomos, Archbishop of Cyprus and his Holy Church of the Island of Cyprus, for the ceaseless assistance to and support of the Missionary effort. To the Venerable Bishop His Beatitude gave a staff which belonged to his predecessor, the late Petros VII, because both were monks of the Holy Monastery of Mahairas in Cyprus.

     At midday, the Chairman and the Members of the Brotherhood of Office Bearers of the Patriarchal Throne hosted an official lunch in honour of His Beatitude at the Hellenic Naval Club of Alexandria.