
Ref. No: 40/2020

To the Members Holy and Sacred Synod

At their Sees

Your Eminences and Your Graces,

Through this Patriarchal Encyclical Notice, we wish to express to all of you our Paternal concern and support regarding the serious issue of the Corona Virus Pandemic (COVID-19).

Unfortunately, as should not have happened, all of humanity has become witness to an unjust and relentless pandemic, which has cost the lives of thousands of our fellow human beings. Throughout the length and breadth of the world, we now mourn the victims of this disease, which, according to the latest news, we learn has now also reached sub-Saharan Africa.

With a broken heart and tears, night and day, we lift our hands in prayer to the All Merciful Lord, to pity humanity, the works of His hands, to silence the trumpets of the Revelation, and for joy and peace to return to the daily lives of people.

It is now a fact that the world is entering an Apocalyptic era, where no one feels safe, and where the drums of war co-ordinate with cries of “men’s hearts failing them from fear and the expectation of those things which are coming on the earth” (Luke 21:26).

But as Christians and Shepherds, we do not lose our hope in God. We believe and preach God Almighty, the God of Love and of Mercy. There is only one point that I as your Spiritual Father would like to ask of you. Be close to your flock, comfort and support our fellow Africans, teach them ways of elementary health and cleanliness, because most do not have access to clean water. And, as the situation is serious, I recommend that you comply with the orders and decisions of the countries in which you serve, so that our Holy Church does not become the cause of scandal, but an example of social solidarity and love.

Praying with all my heart that the Lord will grant Grace to your spiritual struggles and bestows on you His rich blessing, I remain with many paternal prayers and Patriarchal blessings.

Fervent intercessor to God


Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria and All Africa


In the Great City

of Alexandria

17th March 2020