
His Beatitude Theodoros II, Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria and All Africa, on the occasion of the election of His Beatitude Daniel from Metropolitan of Vidin to Metropolitan of Sofia and Patriarch of All Bulgaria, sent him the following congratu;atory Patriarchal Letter:

« Ref.No. 082/2024

Your Beatitude Metropolitan oDaniel of Sofia and All Bulgaria, most dear and beloved brother and concelebrant in Christ of my Mediocrity, we embrace Your Beatitude in the Lord and address you exceedingly.

The news of Your election to the Patriarchal Throne of the Autocephalous Church of Bulgaria arrived as a gentle breeze from Hermon in the land of the Nile and to our hearing, which personally brought us much joy, as well as to the Hierarchs and the Clergy of our Supreme Church of St Mark, and all exclaimed Axios!

Your divine election signifies auspicious feelings, as you have succeeded the beloved Predecessor, Patriarch Neophytos who has not long fallen asleep, from whom we sincerely pray that his prayers support You in the noble and heavy task of steering the Bulgarian Church, also together with the prayers of Your spiritual father, Metropolitan S Nathanael, with whom we have special spiritual ties.

Therefore, praying wholeheartedly that Your Patriarchal Tenure will be long, unblemished, unifying and productive, in health both to the glory of God and the edification of the pious Bulgarian people, we wholeheartedly embrace You with a sacred kiss and remain,

Your Beatitude’s
dear brother in Christ

Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria and All Africa


In the Great City
of Alexandria
5th July 2024»