The message of religious fellowship in Egypt, as an example to the whole world, was once again emphasized by His Beatitude Patriarch Theodoros II of Alexandria and All Africa, officiating at the Festal Divine Liturgy that was held in the historic Church of the Prophet Elijah in Alexandria.

The Church was given by the Hellenic Community to the Coptic Church six years ago, but with the second Throne Greek Orthodox Patriarchate and the Hellenic Community retaining the ability to conduct the feast every year on the day of the Prophet’s ascension into heaven.

Speaking to the large congregation and the attending official guests, the Consul General of Greece in Alexandria Mr. Emmanuel Kakaveklais and the Community Leaders Messrs. Andrea Vafiades and Dimitra Kavoura, the Alexandrian Primate thanked the Patriarch of the Coptic Church for granting use of the Church for the Orthodox Divine Liturgy.

He also pointed out that he was with the Coptic Primate Patriarch Tawadros II in Bari in Italy, where they prayed together with the Ecumenical Patriarch Vartholomaios and Pope Francis of Rome for peace in the Middle East. The Festal Divine Liturgy was performed by the Chief Secretary of the Holy Synod of the Patriarchate of Alexandria, Archimandrite Daniel Biazis.