
     On 10th October 2011, His Beatitude Theodoros II, Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria and All Africa, visited the St George Missionary Centre in Marondera, 75 km from the capital, Harare.

     Clear signs are imprinted here of the contribution of Greeks who gave of what they had to the missionary effort of the Second Throne Patriarchate, state the Primate when entering the architecturally beautiful church of St George, accompanied by His Eminence Seraphim of Zimbabwe and Angola and the Patriarchal Vicar of Cairo His Grace Nikodimos Bishop of Nitria.

     His Beatitude expressed fervent gratitude to the Chairman Mr Vaios Prantzos and the members of the Brotherhood of External Missions in Thessaloniki for their efforts, while also making mention of the contribution made by the previous Metropolitan, now Metropolitan George of Accra, as well as that of His Eminence Seraphim, for all that they have done in Marondera for the indigenous African Orthodox and the few Greeks and Cypriots who live there. He also congratulated Fr Ioannis the Parish Priest who is a graduate of the “St Athanasios” Patriarchal Academy of Alexandria for his productive service as a priest.

       He then donated food parcels to families in the area.