
     On Thursday 28th November 2011 His Beatitude Theodoros II, Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria and All Africa visited His Eminence Nikiphoros Metropolitan of Kykkos and Tyllirias at the Dependency of the Holy Monastery of Kykkos in Nicosia.

     Afterwards His Beatitude met with His Beatitude Archbishop Chrysostomos of Cyprus at the Archdiocesan Mansion and discussed with him issues regarding the Patriarchate of Alexandria and All Africa and particularly the issue of the settlement of a Exarchate of the Patriarchate in Cyprus. Before leaving for Paphos in order to participate in the General Assembly of the Middle East Council of Churches, he visited the Holy Church of St Savvas within the walls of Nicosia, which the Archbishop of Cyprus proposes to cede to the Patriarchate in the future for the building of the Exarchate in Cyprus, as well as the state land which the Cypriot State proposes to cede in the Latsion area.