
             On 17th March 2014, His Beatitude Theodoros II, Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria and All Africa, received at the Patriarchal See the distinguished businessman and politician Mr. Ivan Savvides, Chairman of the Federation of Hellenic Societies of Russia and Coordinator of the Council of Hellenes Abroad in the former Districts of the USSR. Known to each other from the period of the beginning of the operation of the Council of Hellenes Abroad, His Beatitude and Mr. Savvides had the opportunity of discussing at length issues regarding the present and future of Hellenism and Orthodoxy in the Diaspora. Honouring the great contribution made by Mr. Savvides in the protection and safeguarding of the presence of the large Greek Communities in the former USSR, His Beatitude awarded his distinguished guest the Supreme Commander of St Savvas the Sanctified. This was followed by a conducted tour of the Patriarchal See. During his visit Mr. Savvides was accompanied  by the former President of SAE and Honorary Chairman of the Hellenic Community of Alexandria Mr. S. Tamvakis and the Honorary Consul of Austria in Alexandria Mrs. A. Alexanian.